Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Guidelines on rational use of Personal Protective Equipment:
1. About this guideline
This guideline is for health care workers and others working in points of entries (POEs), quarantine
centers, hospital, laboratory and primary health care / community settings. The guideline uses setting
approach to guide on the type of personal protective equipment to be used in different settings.
2. Introduction
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, some causing illness in people and others that circulate
among animals, including camels, cats and bats. Rarely, animal coronaviruses can evolve and infect
people and then spread between people such as has been seen with MERS and SARS.
The outbreak of Novel coronavirus disease (now named COVID-19) was initially noticed from a
seafood market in Wuhan city in Hubei Province of China in mid-December, 2019, has spread to
more than 185 countries/territories worldwide including India.
The causative agent for COVID-19, earlier termed provisionally as novel Coronavirus has been
officially named as SARS-CoV-2.
3. Mode of transmission
There is clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV-2. It is thought to be
transmitted mainly through respiratory droplets that get generated when people cough, sneeze, or
exhale. SARS-CoV-2 also gets transmitted by touching, by direct touch and through contaminated
surfaces or objects and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes. Healthcare
associated infection by SARS-CoV-2 virus has been documented among healthcare workers in many
The people most at risk of COVID-19 infection are those who are in close contact with a
suspect/confirmed COVID-19 patient or who care for such patients.
4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) are protective gears designed to safeguard the health of
workers by minimizing the exposure to a biological agent.
4.1 Components of PPE
Components of PPE are goggles, face-shield, mask, gloves, coverall/gowns (with or without aprons),
head cover and shoe cover.
Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel
Coronavirus (COVID-1 9) — regarding.
In order to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), some
precautionary measures are required to be taken by all the employees and the
Ministries/Departments. In this regard, it has been decided to issue the
following advisory for the well-being of Government employees and in public
2. All the Ministries/Departments are advised to take all necessary
measures such as :-
(i) Install thermal scanners at the entry of Government buildings,
as feasible. Mandatory placing of hand sanitizers at the entry of
Government buildings. Those found having flu-like symptoms
may be advised to take proper treatment/quarantine etc.
(ii) Discourage, to the maximum extent, entry of visitors in the office
complex. Routine issue of visitors/temporary passes should be
suspended with immediate effect. Only those visitors whom
have proper permission of the officer who they want to meet,
should be allowed after being properly screened.
(iii) Meetings, as far as feasible, should be done through video
conferencing. To minimize or reschedule meetings involving
large number of people unless necessary.
(iy) Avoid non-essential official travel.
(v) Undertake essential correspondence on official email and avoid
sending files and documents to other offices, to the extent
(vi) Facilitate delivery and receipt of dak at the entry point itself of
the office building, as far as practicable.
(vii) Close all gyms/recreation centres/creches located in
Government buildings.
(viii) Ensure proper cleaning and frequent sanitization of the work-
place, particularly of the frequently touched surfaces.
Ensure regular supply of hand sanitisers, soap and running
water in the washrooms.
(x) All officials may be advised to take care of their own health and
look out for respiratory symptoms/fever and, if feeling unwell,
should leave the workplace immediately after informing their
reporting officers. They should observe home-quarantine as
per the guidelines issued by MoH&FW, Government of India
available at the following URL:
(xi) The leave sanctioning authorities are advised to sanction leave
whenever any request is made for self-quarantine as a
precautionary measure.
(xii) Advise all employees who are at higher risk i.e. older
employees, pregnant employees and employees who have
underlying medical conditions, to take extra precautions. The
Ministries/Departments may take care not to expose such
employees to any front-line work requiring direct contact with
the public
• To maintain personal hygiene and physical distancing.
• To practice frequent hand washing. Wash hands with soap and water or
use alcohol-based hand rub. Wash hands even if they are visibly clean.
• To cover your nose and mouth with handkerchief/tissue while sneezing
and coughing.
• To throw used tissues into closed bins immediately after use.
• To maintain a safe distance from persons during interaction, especially
with those having flu-like symptoms.
• To sneeze in the inner side of your elbow and not to cough into the
palms of your hands.
• To take their temperature regularly and check for respiratory symptoms.
To see a doctor if you feel unwell (fever, difficulty in breathing and
coughing). While visiting doctor, wear a mask/cloth to cover your mouth
and nose.
• For any fever/flu-like signs/symptoms, please call State helpline number.
or the 24x7 helpline number of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
at 011-23978046.
• Shake hands.
• Have a close contact with anyone, if you're experiencing cough and
• Touch your eyes, nose and mouth.
• Sneeze or cough into palms of your hands.
• Spit in Public.
• Travel unnecessarily, particularly to any affected region.
• Participate in large gatherings, including sitting in groups at canteens.
• Visit gyms, clubs and crowded places etc.
• Spread rumours or panic.
Covid19 Guidelines For Industry
COVID-19 Guidance for the Manufacturing
Industry Workforce
OSHA is committed to protecting the health and safety of America’s workers and workplaces during
these unprecedented times. The agency will be issuing a series of industry-specific alerts designed to
keep workers safe.
If you are in the manufacturing industry, the following tips can help reduce the risk of exposure to
the coronavirus:
Encourage workers to stay home if they are sick.
Establish flexible work hours (e.g., staggered shifts), if feasible.
Practice sensible social distancing and maintain six feet between co-workers, where possible.
For work activities where social distancing is a challenge, consider limiting the duration of these
activities and/or implementing innovative approaches, such as temporarily moving or
repositioning workstations to create more distance or installing barriers (e.g., plexiglass shields)
between workstations.
Monitor public health communications about COVID-19 recommendations for the workplace and
ensure that workers have access to and understand that information.
Train workers on how to properly put on, use/wear, take-off, and maintain protective clothing
and equipment.
Allow workers to wear masks over their nose and mouth to prevent spread of the virus.
Encourage respiratory etiquette, including covering coughs and sneezes.
Discourage workers from using other workers’ tools and equipment.
Use Environmental Protection Agency-approved cleaning chemicals from List N or that have label
claims against the coronavirus.
Promote personal hygiene. If workers do not have access to soap and water for handwashing,
provide alcohol-based hand rubs containing at least 60 percent alcohol. Provide disinfectants and
disposable towels workers can use to clean work surfaces.
Encourage workers to report any safety and health concerns.
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